A millionaire who inherited his money only to fail in business before landing a plum gig playing a real estate tycoon on a reality TV show, sentient, regurgitated Cheeto Donald Trump has found actual success by entering politics running on a fascist platform. And while every aspect of his rise to the top of the political pile continues to be shocking, there is one amazing, unprecedented thing he does: he actually tweets on his own Twitter account.
The vast majority of celebs and politicians have social media managers who carefully tailor their tweets for maximum effect. Not Trump, he just grabs his phone and sends out some poorly thought out profanity (or retweets Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists) as the mood strikes him. The impulsive and thin-skinned Trump has spent years getting in to Twitter feuds with everyone from TV hosts to accomplished politicians. Here’s a few of our “fave” feuds!
Trump Versus Elizabeth Warren
A new age of politics began when Trump took to Twitter to mock Senator Elizabeth Warren and fling racial slurs at her (Warren has Native American heritage).
As we’ll see time-and-time again he was no match.
Trump Versus Russel Brand and Katy Perry
A classic from a few years back when Russel Brand married Katy Perry:
Trump Versus Rosie O’Donnell
The multi-media vendetta between Donald Trump and Rosie O’Donnell goes back a decade and simmers up periodically on everything from television to Twitter. Rosie criticised Donald on The View in 2006 and beginning an endless and protracted war. Here’s a little taste.
Trump Versus Bobby Jindal
Back when Trump was running against Gov. Bobby Jindal and a host of other Republicans for the nomination the two of them got into it online.
Jindal’s now come out as supporting Trump because Bobby is a man of principal and substance.
Trump Versus Deadspin.com
Short and sweet.
Trump Versus Hillary Clinton
This is will only heat up over the next few months. But here’s just a taste of Hillary responding to Trump.
The Amazing Epic of Trump Versus Danny Zucker
Donald Trump gets in way over his head by responding to comedy writer Danny Zucker (best known as a writer on the sitcom Modern Family) describing this is not near as good as just taking it in for yourself…enjoy:
This is only a brief taste of our next president’s many online shenanigans. Check back for more as he really gets into it with Hillary Clinton and share your feelings about Trump in the comments section below!