With the internet abuzz after Angelina Jolie filed for divorce from Brad Pitt and Twitter erupting in Jennifer Aniston reaction GIFs, we had to wonder – hasn’t it been a little long for this still to be a thing? So we dug into the convoluted timeline of all the participants…and it turns out, yes, it really has been too long for it to be a thing. Check it out below, we lay out the Jennifer Aniston, Brad Pitt, and Angelina Jolie timeline as told by GIFs!
Way back in 1998: Jennifer Aniston & Brad Pitt get set up on a blind date by their managers
At first glance, Jennifer Aniston was like:

And Brad Pitt was like:

July, 2000: Aniston and Pitt marry.

Years of what we can only assume is wedded bliss followed.

2004: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt meet on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith.

March 2005: Jennifer Aniston files for divorce from Pitt.

APRIL 2005: Angelina & Brad are spotted on vacation together. Press goes into a feeding frenzy.

While the rest of the world didn’t know if they should care

October 2005: Pitt and Aniston finalize their divorce.

Winter 2006: Jolie confirms that she is having a baby with Pitt.

Over the years Jolie and Pitt accumulate a whole bunch of gorgeous kids…last count 122.

Brangelina’s are a happy brood.

MAY 2011: Aniston and Theroux announce they’re dating.

Meanwhile, everyone in the world was like, Who is this guy?

And then we were like….oh wow…yeah ok….

Aniston couldn’t be happier…Because, look at him.

June 2011: News broke that Theroux moved into Aniston’s pad.

But the press was still like Oh Poor Jennifer.

When actually she was doing this:

April 2012: Pitt and Jolie announce they are engaged!

August 10, 2012: Theroux pops the question to Aniston.

2013: Meanwhile Aniston just kept getting hotter. In your face, press!

August 2014: Brad and Angelina get married

August 2015: Aniston and Theroux get married.

September 2016: All doesn’t seem well on the Brangelina front.

Sept. 19, 2016: Jolie files for divorce.

Twitter exploded & everyone thinks Aniston is doing this:

When she was probably just doing this:


Dance off tax