It’s hump day everybody! And the entire world knows it can be a struggle to get through the week, so that’s why the hive mind of the Internet has given birth to #WednesdayWisdom GIFs: which is where inspirational quotes, messages, and images, are shared to help get the human race carry on until the goal of Friday at 5:00 PM is reached.
We’re getting in on spreading the good vibes around to make the mid-week awesome, so please enjoy our dose of #WednesdayWisdom and have the best week of your life…right now!
The week is only half over, it’s hump day:

And if you’re not sure you have the strength to go on, just listen to the motivational penguin!

And if you’re down on yourself for any reason, there’s a penguin to help you work through that too!!

And always remember even if you fail…

Dexter seems like a good guy to listen to, try to follow his advice:

And if you want to win at life, at all aspects of life be it work, school, relationships, etc, this is all you have to do:

And if it’s not only not your week, but not your year, then never forget this too shall pass…

You can’t rule the world and there’s plenty of outside forces that get to decide how you live your life, but that that doesn’t mean you don’t have choices:

And don’t let other people get to you.

Or if these messages ain’t doing it for you,

Just spend this Wednesday, watching Wednesday dance:

Plus, there’s always a sure fire way to make Wednesday the best day of the week…

Now that this post is almost over we hope you’re revved up and ready to take on the world. You’re the guru now, get out there and crush it:

Make your dreams a reality…right now!

Get in on the fun and the good vibes and spread the #WednesdayWisdom around by sharing this post now!