Do you know what we mean by GIFs that look dirty? Ever send a fake-out sext of an elbow-butt either as a prank or a lead up to serious flirting…you know elbow-butt, you’ve done that…right?

Because this is the Internet, pranksters have created a whole host of images that look XXX either through a trick or by being taken out of context, but turn out to be truly innocent. And we’ve assembled our faves right here for your enjoyment.
Feel free to browse this page at work but if your boss looks over your shoulder make sure they stick around to see the whole GIF:

Because you might get reprimanded or fired if someone looks over your shoulder for a crucial second then looks away:

But you can’t live with your mind in the gutter, context is everything, just some people playing in a fountain!

When Donald Trump is president this fireworks show will be in the skies of every State, every single night, to celebrate the new greatness of the nation.

If this post teaches you anything it’s that life really is all about perspective and the eye of the beholder. For instance here’s some nice Christmas lights that go from heart warming to pornographic just by changing where one stands.

This reporter is simply mapping out a construction site on an interactive map.

And this weather man is just showing you the trajectory of a tropical storm,

But these two reporters should have known better.

By blurring out some important components of an image, anything can look dirty, see:

There’s probably guilty Mormons out there with a whole hard drive of sports GIFS like this

Not to pick on full contact sports, honestly this probably what hanging out with 4 computer geeks would really be like.

Taking an unaltered clip from a favorite childhood classic can be filthy if you find the right one,

You just need the right 3 seconds of footage.

Although this one might be deliberate, we’re pretty sure there’s something going on between Tom and Jerry.

We hope you fun with these “dirty” GIFS. Share this post now because it’ll be hilarious to put this post on a friend’s Facebook wall!