Taylor Swift is as famous for her music as she is for her enemies and friends. Her megastar “best friend squad” of celebrities include fellow pop star Lorde, supermodel Karlie Kloss, actress Jennifer Lawrence, triple threat Selena Gomez and so so many more.

Her friendships play out in public for all to see thanks to the tabloids, social media, and her own concerts where she brings her pals up on stage. But her known enemies are as equally public, and there’re few celebs whose spats with other famous people are as exposed as Queen Tay’s feuds. Let’s take a glance at Taylor Swift’s hit list to see what superstars are in T-Swizzle’s line of fire.
Katy Perry

Oh, we’re starting with a bang, this one’s huge guys. Tay and Katy Perry were once besties but had a falling out over taking turns dating fellow musician John Mayer AND Katy stole a backup dancer from Taylor.

They’ve sniped at each other in interviews, tweeted shade back-and-forth, and Taylor wrote a whole diss track aimed at Katy.
John Mayer

The next obvious entry on the hit list would be John Mayer. After they briefly dated in 2009, Taylor wrote the bitter—and not very subtle—breakup song, Dear John.

He retaliated with the track Paper Doll, and IT WAS ON via thinly veiled and passive aggressive swipes at each other in interviews.
Nicki Minaj

After Nicki Minaj Tweeted about the need for more diversity in the nominations for the VMAs Best Video Award, Taylor took personal offence—she was a nominee—and a war of words broke out.

They’ve supposedly reconciled via a strained looking performance together at said awards show, but it feels like PR to us. Nicki better keep looking over her shoulder, she’s on the list.
Jared Leto

Did you know Jared Leto’s in a band? While he was in the studio recording with his rock act Thirty Seconds to Mars one of his bandmates popped on Taylor’s album and Jared lit into the music as well as Taylor herself (we can’t repeat exactly what he said, we’re a G-rated site).

We know about Jared’s crimes because someone taped it on their phone and leaked it to the press. Jared, you’ve made a powerful enemy.

Producer and musician Diplo is another arch-enemy produced through World War III AKA the great Taylor-Katy feud. While dating Katy he randomly started Tweeting “Someone should make a Kickstarter to get Taylor Swift a booty,” and it was on. Diplo kept piling on the Twitter insults while his booty remark went viral.

And while Tay never directly responded, her squad member Lorde Tweeted out the missive: “Should we do something about your tiny penis while we’re at it hm.” Oh, snap girrrrrrrl!
Justin Bieber

The Bieb was a longtime off-again-on-again boyfriend to Taylor’s bestie Selena Gomez. He supposedly wasn’t very nice to Selena, earning Justin the eternal ire of Taylor Swift.

The result is Tay rebuffing Justin’s attempts at musical collaborations and perhaps playing a role in one Bieber and Gomez’s many breakups.
That’s the hit list. Is there anyone we neglected to include?