In case you’re a square who isn’t in the groove, today is 4/20, the date every stoner knows is the day to celebrate marijuana. Originally “4:20” was simply the time after school a group of California teens met to get high but it’s spread around the world as slang for time to puff on the chronic.
Pot’s come along way and is legal in a number of states, basically legal in a bunch more, and is being decriminalized around the world. So pack a bowl, or pour yourself a cup of marijuana infused coffee, reach for your vape, roll a spliff, grab the cannabis chewing gum, and turn off the cartoon re-runs and check out our 420 pot GIFS!

It’s a big change from the days of Reefer Madness where we were told one puff would lead to addiction, murder, and suicide.

Many people never thought grass would go from hippies to mainstream in our lifetime, but here we are,

It’s like everybody is all about pot nowadays:

Like, it seems like EVERYBODY is:

It’s a whole new world!

But, of course, we have our OGs, the people into the ganja before it became trendy.

And the world still seems a bit divided between the true devotees

And more casual users…

There’s lots who find it to be a deep spiritual experience:

While others (most people) just want to relax in their house, take a load off, and maybe listen to some tunes.

The true fanatics act like it gives you super-powers:

But even if it is really awesome, we all know that burn-out who got a little too much into the chronic.

You know who we mean.

But we’re here to celebrate!

And while we were originally just going to make this entire post about pizza to make it a “420 Munchies post” we’re glad we found all of these fun pot GIFS and didn’t just stick to the ‘za.

Even though that’s the perfect way to spend today (call in sick to work and get delivery)

Pizza and pot in bed is a mental-health day.

Now that we’re almost done, feel free to blaze and stare at this for 2 hours:

And if you don’t have your weed card for the dispensary or if you’re dealer isn’t picking up his phone, don’t worry, we have you covered: