Welcome to our extensive GIF coverage of the 88th Academy Awards where we will go through the ENTIRE night of awards in fun GIF form listing all of the award winners, even the ones not televised! Before we go through each and every of the 50 individual academy awards, we have to bring up that Oscar 88 was met with controversy and boycotts for lack of diversity. Amazingly the issue was directly referenced by host Chris Rock throughout the evening.

It’s rare to see such things addressed head-on in a glitzy televised event watched by millions. Okay, but you’re not here for politics, lets get on with this! First the Academy Award for Sound Mixing was awarded to…
Naaaaa we’re just joshing, we’re not doing that, strap yourself in for a series of Leo jokes!
Yes, the inspiring story of one of the world’s most successful, rich, handsome, and recognizable actors finally winning an Oscar is a moving story that has touched the world’s heart. If you’re not aware: for more than 20 years Leonardo Dicaprio has been nominated for an Oscar and keeps losing. He’s been vocal about his displeasure.

But finally he through off the curse. All he had to do was eat a raw Bison liver, be cold a lot, climb inside of a dead horse, and fight a bear.

And it was worth every second of the gruelling movie making experience.

So say goodbye to jokey GIFs like this:

Or this:

LD is no longer the butt of Internet humor.

Future generations will not know why this image is funny.

So the next time life is getting you down, hop on your private jet and fly to San Tropez with a bevy of 19-year-old models and know that eventually you too will get the award you so richly deserve.

Okay one more: