With the United States election underway, it is important to remember that Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is there for you. Check out these top 10 Justin Trudeau GIFs that will make you move to Canada like, right now.
UPDATE: With #elbowgate upon us, it only seems fitting that we add in PM Justin Trudeau’s elbow GIF. Enjoy.

1) This right here:

PM Justin Trudeau is an absolute stud here at the What a Girl Wants gala for liver disease. The lucky winner got a lunch with Trudeau at the Parliamentary restaurant for $1,900. That’s right, he uses his good looks for a good cause.
But he has much more than his hotness to offer our Canadian citizens. In fact…
2) He is totally for gender equality in office
When asked why having a cabinet with an equal number of men and women was important to him, Trudeau had this to say:

But if that wasn’t enough, he also cuddles baby pandas.
3) That’s right, he’s a total animal lover

Trudeau holds the first panda cubs that are born on Canadian soil at the Toronto Zoo. He introduced them to the nation at a naming ceremony.
4) Also, he just happens to adore other cultures

Trudeau doesn’t shy away at an opportunity to immerse himself in different cultures. Here, he dances Bangrah, a traditional Punjabi folk dance.
But he also has another side to him, that many are unaware of…
5) Like the fact that he is a boxing champ

Our PM Justin Trudeau can throw a mean punch. In a charity boxing match a few years ago, he beat out Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau in no time. In fact, sources say that he didn’t even break a sweat.

6) But he doesn’t take himself too seriously…

…As he isn’t afraid to throw himself down a flight of stairs just to get a couple laughs.
7) And he is all about family.

Trudeau shows that he is a definite family man as he often has family at his side. Here, he holds his youngest son, Hadrian.
8) Plus, he and his wife are adorable

Trudeau and his wife, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, are couple goals at its finest. Whether they dance like a couple of goofballs, or are just hanging out together, you can’t help but go, “awwww.”
9) And he can charm the socks off of anyone…

… Including the Queen.
10) Despite his charming side, he still isn’t afraid to say it like it is…

For all of these reasons and much, much more… we should all move to Canada, eh!