He became famous as a 16 year-old Christian teen heart-throb whose YouTube-to-riches Cinderfella tale warmed the the hearts of everyone in the nation. Now Justin Bieber’s known as a scandal plagued baby-faced early-20s celebrity monster intoxicated on money, status, and allegedly uhhh sizzurp. MakeAGif investigates how Justin Bieber went from a sweet pop idol to the WORST. Enjoy the Justin Beiber GIF history.

The Golden Age. We’ll skip over this part because here he is—a teen beloved by teens, an upright and moral Canadian singing sensation discovered out of the blue in a miraculous fashion. Everybody loves him. Bieber gives no reasons why he shouldn’t be loved.

It begins when he’s 17. And really who can blame him? All of that money and power and status at a young age. No chance of having a regular life. Surrounded only by flatterers and yes-men. At first, it’s just standard and understandable famous-person lashing out: he flips off the Paparazzi and spews some bad words at them. But by the end of the year he’s slapped with a paternity suit from a fan (later dropped).

His spree of terror goes into full force in 2012. Justin’s pulled over twice for speeding, throws up on stage in-front of thousands of fans, and is chewed out by a mother on a flight after acting raucous and yelling out swears. He also sulks to the media about not being nominated for any Grammys.

This is the first true banner year for the new Bieber. He’s caught by TMZ smoking a joint, and they also publish rumors that the Biebs allegedly loves to party with purple drank, which if you’re not hip to the jive, is a drink made with codeine laden cough syrup. And if you’ve paid attention at all to celeb gossip you know what’s coming next:
Justin’s pet monkey is seized by German officials when he brings it there on tour without the proper documentation. It’s still there and seems to miss him.

Oh, also this year he shoves a fan’s phone down his pants, spits in a radio host’s Gatorade at the gym, has a stun-gun and narcotics seized from his tour bus by cops in Sweden, is photographed leaving a brothel in Brazil, and while visiting Amsterdam’s Anne Frank Museum writes “I hope she would have been a belieber” in their guestbook.
He’s recorded urinating in a mop bucket in the kitchen of a New York night club while shouting “F*#k Bill Clinton”.


You’d think he wouldn’t be able to top 2013, but he does! And at this point he’s still only 19/20. Justin has numerous run-ins with the law, and is criminally charged in four separate incidences in 2014. The first time is for vandalism after egging his neighbor’s house. The second is much more serious when he’s picked up in Miami for DUI, drag racing, and resisting arrest. The third is for allegedly assaulting a limo driver in Toronto. And the fourth occurs during a visit to his small hometown where he drives an ATV into a van.
Plus, he gets into a fistfight with actor Orlando Bloom in Ibiza.

Now he’s on a repentance binge and is putting out numerous messages of “I’m sorry, I’ve changed,” to the public. And he does calm down! Sure he’s photographed nude on a beach and smokes pot on stage during a show, but that’s all pretty minor compared to the previous years of scandals. Maybe he’s sincere with his apologies and really is making an effort to change.

How did Justin Bieber welcome 2016? By getting kicked out of an ancient Mayan city in Tulum, Mexico, after trying to climb the ruins (which are clearly roped off to the public). He also removes his pants for some reason.