These hilariously bad special effects GIFs from movie and TV will make you literally LOL for sure, and best of all you don’t have to sit through some of these turkeys (though there are some solid winners in there with a few regrettable scenes) just to giggle at these funny visual effects.

Star Trek is a classic, but do you remember when they put a plastic horn on a puppy to pass it off as exotic space alien beast?

Plan 9 From Outer Space is sometimes known as the worst movie ever made and is a classic example of “so bad it’s good”. It’s hubcap UFOs on strings are infamous and this is a scene of the aliens being defeated and their craft attacked, hence the flaming hubcap.

1993’s The Fugitive was a tent-pole action flick with a budget of 44 million (which is more than 73 million in today’s money) and hosts an impressive number of explosive and thrilling set pieces. However, they skipped on their dummy budget for this scene where the hero leaps into the waters.
Troll 2

The schlocky 1980s’ horror flick Troll 2 is often mentioned in the same breath as Plan 9 as a contender for worst ever, in fact, there’s even a whole documentary about this one production called Best Worst Movie. Shot in Utah by an Italian director and crew who spoke no English with a cast who spoke no Italian the entire film is one bad special effect after another.
Jaws the Revenge

The original Jaws keeps the killer shark off screen for much of the movie to ramp up the suspense. One of the many poor sequels, Jaws the Revenge, didn’t learn this lesson and their ludicrous shark prop is less than terrifying.
Mac and Me

Mac and Me was a relativity large-budgeted 1980’s rip-off of ET. The friendly ET role was played by a rubber puppet/doll that’s by times cheesy and kind of scary with its fake dead plastic face.
The Scorpion King

With a budget of almost 100 million bucks you’d think The Mummy Returns would do a better job with the effects for Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s character The Scorpion King.

Birdemic is a thriller about killer birds. It’s like the classic Hitchcock flick The Birds but with bad action, effects, pacing, direction, and without the strange Freudian subtexts.

Basketcase is about an evil Siamese twin removed from his brother and hosted in a….ahhhh who cares, just look at that rad monster in a box!
List your fave movies with bad special effects in the comments section, and share this post with the film buff in your life! They’re sure to get a kick out of these GIFS!