For the past few decades of the interactive Internet era, major brands have sought to both engage consumers and produce free ads through letting the public have some “fun” by creating branded content. It sounds like a win-win corporate strategy: The company gets virtually free publicity and viral ads, while the fans get to interact, participate, and get creative, with their favorite products.
There’s been many examples of this trend in recent years—maybe it’s a contest to name a new product where you’re encouraged to share your suggested name on social media. Or perhaps it’s an image generator for Facebook that’ll pop your profile pic in with a movie character. Or in the case of Coca-Cola it’s a new GIF maker that’ll let you add your own slogans to inspirational Coke-branded images.
However, it took only seconds for Internet smart-asses to transform Coke’s marketing campaign into a satirical and surreal experience. Users began flooding the generator with slogans that Coke may not want associated with their product floating around out there on the ‘net. But their marketing fail is a win for all of us as the smart-ass GIFS are hilarious. We’ve collected a few of faves, let us know if they encourage you to drink sugary caffeine water or no.
So you’ve got your obvious, but still hilarious, trolling.

Naturally, since the Internet is renown for its sophisticated and high-brow humor, you’ve got few naughty jokes.

And a number of political gags.

But best of all, is when people hijacked the campaign to produce straight up absurdity.

Which one made you literally LOL? Are there any amazing examples we forgot that we should add in? Get at us in the comments section and let us know. Plus, feel free to share this post, we’re sure Coke will be ecstatic their project is getting circulated around.