Are you going through a rough patch?

Is work, school, or life in general got you on the ropes? Is THE MAN dragging you down?

Or do you suffer from chronic anxiety?

Then this is the post for you! We’ve assembled a post of calming, inspiring, relaxing, GIFS that’ll DESTROY any stress and anxiety you’re feeling. Like this one—the power of controlled calm breathing will make you feel better in no time!
Or hit up this Breathing Re-calibration Station

When you’re breathing too fast and feel like you’re losing your s#%t, use this to slow down your breathing and your mind!
You can never have enough tools when it comes to beating anxiety.

Calming Cat is an Internet classic. A simple cute GIF made with the express purpose of transforming yourself into a cool cat:

Or chillax by following the brush with your eyes for as long as it takes.

These ambient designs of spirals and shapes have a calming effect, give them a try and see if they push you into a Zen state of mind:

Spending time in nature is proven to make people happy and reduce their stress levels. But what if you can’t get to the great wild and commune with the Earth to fix yourself up? How about a few beautiful and serene nature GIFS to replenish your soul.

It never hurts to hear a few inspirational messages and slogans to inspire and motivate you. Use these to get your mind on a more positive track!

And we can all use a reminder that no matter how bad it feels, none of us are alone.

And if none of these GIFS are working for you, there’s always this, it’s guaranteed to make everything right.

Bookmark this page and visit it on your smartphone the next time you feel like your anxiety is out of control. And feel free to share it on Facebook with a friend who might benefit from it 🙂