Do you feel listless today? Unmotivated? A bit down, a bit blue, down in the dumps? It might have something to do with today being Blue Monday. The third Monday of January has been identified by researchers as the most depressing day of the year.
Why this date in particular? It’s thanks to a combination of factors like the winter blahs, debt from the holidays, and guilt from already not living up to New Year’s resolutions. So, to help get you through the day we’ve assembled this list of GIFS guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Simply take in this post for a mood boost that’ll keep you going for the next 24 hours.
You knew this would start with cats right? The Internet is 90% cat GIFS, but how can you possibly find the one you need RIGHT NOW for a chuckle and an awwwwww? Don’t worry, MakeAGif is here:

Did that work, how about these cats ROCKING OUT.

Oh, this is why we’ve been bookmarking cute animals playing musical instruments.

We’re not doing only cute animals in this post buttttttt:

Why is this following GIF so funny? There’s some genius out there with a blog where they edit famous movie scenes to make the characters’ heads explode.

Disney time? Those films made you happy as a child, maybe some of the magic holds.

Did you read our Mulan post? If you’ve never watched the film, here’s the short version:

We’re genetically programmed to be cheered up by babies. And these GIFs are everything happy about babies, with none of the crying, diapers, or throwing up.

Is this article still not working…dance away your pain!

In our quest to fight back against Blue Monday we’ve covered babies, cats, cute animals and Disney, which are the most popular subjects to make GIFS of, so that leaves us with that last of great web obsession—pizza.

Did it work? Let us know in the comments section below. And while you’re at it fill us in our your strategies to cheer up.