Any medium can be used to create art. And when a new medium comes along, it can take time for this fact to become accepted. Take the humble GIF for example, few associate the animated images with high culture, but in the avant garde of the art world GIF artists are gaining respect and accolades. Numerous hip galleries around the world have hosted installations of GIF art (and if you’re wondering how that works most place monitors and TVs around the gallery showing the individual GIFS). We too believe GIFS can be art, and to prove it we’ve assembled this post of beautiful and thought-provoking GIFS. Take a moment for beauty and check it out:
This is inspired by a piece of graffiti from the street artist Bansky, it’s a GIF transformation of an already lovely piece.

Here’s what you need for those rainy day feels:

We don’t know why this brings us so much peace, how does it make you feel?

The modern relationship?

GIFS can help you appreciate classic art more!

The best way to start the day for the rest of your life.

Here’s an art breakdown that has us reconsidering some of the classics.

Evening is coming…

And here’s a sunrise to go with it.

Can you relate?

A day at the beach to change your life.

What’s going on here? Don’t worry about it, just take it in.

A piece of surrealist art updated for the digital age.

A train ride that’ll last you the rest of your life.

A storm is coming, who knew something so destructive is so beautiful before it’s unleashed?

And a final moment frozen in time.

Have we convinced you that GIFS can be art? Now, make the world a more wonderful place by sharing this post on Facebook, Twitter, or whichever platform is your jam.
Check out all of our art and design GIFs over on