What You Probably Feel Like On Jan 1st 2016 has begun! Did you have fun last night? How do you feel today? I guess it depends on what stage of your life you’re at Where were you for the big countdown to ring in the new year? Did you stay in to celebrate with a few close friends? Perhaps you visited a sophisticated little soiree at a friend’s home Or maybe you made it out to a big party A really big party, a wild rager At first you promised yourself you’d have fun, but not over do it. You’re classy But as the night went you realized a few extra drinks won’t hurt… You heard a voice in your head saying, “It’s New Year’s Eve, there’s only one every 365 days! Let loose and have a few more cocktails.” And suddenly you’re having such a good time that you’re drinking a little more than you intended Maybe a lot more And now it’s truly party time You rang 2016 in with style and had the night of your life….you think….from what you remember…ugh the light… You don’t feel so great, getting out of bed is a bad idea Head! Is! Spinning! OH NO…the whole room is spinning So dizzy Throat so parched, feels like something died in your mouth, need that water Okay get up and get a glass of water, but the bathroom, it is: Did it, made it to the bathroom but that water isn’t sitting well, ohhhh nooooo Should have just stayed in and watched Dick Clark This is the worst, who wants to start a year off feeling like this: You just feel worse as the day goes on However, it is a holiday, you’ve got nothing on your schedule, so order pizza And relax in bed with Netflix It’s been quite a night, and quite a year, you deserve some me-time Have an awesome day of recovery, and happy New Year from MakeaGif.com