Cameras capture everything, from the coolest thing we’ll ever do in our lives to the drop dead awful moments you wish no one would see. And being in the spotlight guarantees that these moments will never be forgotten. We may feel bad for celebrities; but rest easy, but not bad enough to keep you guys deprived of the most embarrassing celebrity GIFs. If anything, it just makes us feel a little better about ourselves.
Lady Gaga

This one’s an ouchie, that’s what happens when you air guitar on piano!
Jenifer Lawrence

Take a look at our beloved Jennifer Lawrence Stumbling to get her Oscar, or the way she likes to put it, to get her ‘naked statue’.
Jennifer Lawrence Take Two

And here’s another one, even better as she tries to take down the woman in front of her by the hair. But still we love her:

I’m not exactly sure what’s going on here, but it seems Madonna was about to fly away when someone pulled on her cape and she lost balance.

Miguel takes the leap faith from one side of the stage extension to the other, only to land on his ass… on top a fan.

Well, their goes Rihanna’s prospects in modeling, you are allowed to slip on the ramp walk, but only when you are walking back, not in the second step.

As if losing his dignity wasn’t enough, Beiber also lost his shoe.
Beiber Again

As Beiber was dusting his hair to remove some dusty dust, an invisible force field comes out of nowhere to block his path. Wait..that’s just glass.
Katy Perry

Katy Perry had a giant cake with fake and real icing on the stage of the MTV Latin American Awards, and than she ate the cake and slipped on it too!

The queen B making this face. But, Beyonce is still the Queen.
Oprah Winfrey

When Oprah touched David Oyelowo like this . . . in front of Stedman. When she got handblocked…get off my face.

There’s embarrassing and then there’s peeing your pants on stage documentation for the world to see.