Ah, that special form of torture – The Exam. For some of us, writing an exam brings us back -wayyy back- to memories of a time we will never miss. For others, writing exams might be a recurrent nightmare for several years now. Whether you are an ace studier or you coast through classes, if you have ever written an exam, you can probably relate to the experiences below.
Stage 1: Confidence

The first stage is confidence. You’ve got to be positive! Ok, I’m ready. I studied hard for this one. I know my stuff. Get on with it already. Can I start writing now? Let’s do this!
Stage 2: Self-Doubt

Next, comes the sleep deprived self-doubt. You start wondering if you studied the right sections, took the right notes, attended the right classes, made the right decisions in life up until now. Noooo! I’m not ready! Omg, omg!
Stage 3: Putting to Use Years of Positive Therapy

But, you’ve got to write it, whether you want to or not. So now, you’re sitting down with your fingers (and toes) crossed. Think positive! I believe in myself. I am awesome. I can do this!
Stage 4: Questioning Your Own Existence

And then, the inevitable confusion. You read the question and it’s like: Am I even in this class? WTF? Did I wear pants today?
Stage 5: Existential Acceptance

You realize your only course of action is to fake it. Maybe you start to make stuff up. In the grander scheme of things nothing matters, what if I pass or don’t pass? I’ll just start to write something…better make it sound good.
Stage 6: Fight or Flight Response

If you’re lucky, a light bulb goes on. You hit a question that sounds familiar, you know you are going to pass and the abject terror passes. Aha! I know the answer to this one! And I am wearing pants today!
Stage 7: Overly Optimistic Self Congratulations

Now to just write 4 more…Yes, I aced it!! Knew I would.