Irregardless of how educated and great you are, for all intensive purposes just by saying the following words or phrases (or making these common wording mistakes) will cause you come off as a dunderbutt. Don’t loose friends and opportunities, it’s not to late two fix up your grammar and pronounce words right too ensure you come off awesome! If you found nothing wrong with the above paragraph, you really need to read the below. But if your head is ready to explode, you can probably just skip this article and jump to something fun like 6 Ways To Make It Look Like You’re Working.
Saying Nuke-cu-lar

Now, certified f@#king geniuses like George W. Bush have gone on television saying nuclear incorrectly, but it makes you sound like you have no idea what you’re talking about. Plus, chances are you’re only using the word in an important context (nuclear war, nuclear energy, nuclear option) so don’t screw it up.

If you say this you’re bad, and you should feel bad. It’s not a word. It’s not anything. It’s simply a shibboleth indicating that you should be banished from the human race. So, if you don’t want to be exiled to an island of stupid people, don’t let it ever pass your lips. It may appear in some dictionaries, but so is ‘bouncebackability’ and that doesn’t make it right.
For All Intensive Purposes

The proper phrase is, “for all intents and purposes.” There’s a little known ancient law still on the books that anyone who says For All Intensive Purposes can be immediately executed by any member of the populace…so be careful!

It’s not a word. It’ll never be a word. We advise to not only not say it or write it. Don’t even think it. Forget you even saw it on this list. Supposedly. Supposedly. Supposedly.

It’s too late for you if you mix these up while writing. This is an incredibly common writing mistake which even grade school children shouldn’t make. Be on the side of the angels and run the grammar check installed with your word processor.
Saying Meme as “Me-me”

You’re on a site full of memes right now, the Internet is now 99.99% memes. It’s imperative everyone gets this word right. Its proper pronunciation is “meem.” Saying it as me-me marks you as a great-grandmother or a time-traveler from Victorian England.
Who Vs Whom

Actually, we don’t care about this one. Say whatever you like: even if it’s wrong.
What improper and commonly misued words and phrases drive you crazy? Let us know in the comments!