Are you ready for the holidays? Or are you still in the grips of the December blahs? Whether you’re feeling the Xmas vibes or you need some help getting into the spirit—MakeaGif is here with an early present that’ll jingle your bells, mistle your toe, and holly your jolly. It’s our list of the 24 Best Christmas GIFs, guaranteed to put you in a Noel state of mind.
Because if you like it or not it’s coming…

In fact, it’s almost here…

The best time of the year!

Okay, maybe you’re more of a summer person, but you have to agree it’s the best part of the winter

Come on, it’s the Christmas Season! Where dreary December is transformed into an amazing celebration of light, love, and fun

So get out there and find the greatest Christmas tree

And make it even better by decorating it to perfection

Here comes the big question…is your Christmas shopping done yet?

If not. DO NOT PANIC. There’s still time!

Now that you’ve scored those gifts, splurge on getting those presents gift-wrapped

It’s better to give than to receive. Think how happy you’re going to make someone Christmas morning

Even if you’re not big on presents, songs, lights, Scrooge, Santa Claus, and ho-ho-ho, you can take solace in this: the holidays are also about partying

But don’t over do it 😉

You need to be in top shape for that succulent Christmas dinner

But through it all never lose sight of the reason for the season

Now, there’s only one thing left to say!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from MakeaGif. And, as always, if we neglected to include your favorite Gif in our list let us know it in the comments. After all, before you know it Christmas will be here once again and we’ll need a new list!