We all love cats. But that doesn’t mean cats love us back. Cats are pretty devious. Just when you think all is calm, they’re lurking behind you with claws extended. These cats will probably kill you while you sleep. But they’ll look good doing it.
Secret Cat
Look at him. He’s so cute and all alone…but he’s watching every move you make.
He may look shocked when he finds out you’re dead. He knows why. He knows everything.
He’s figured out technology. First the phone. Next, you.
Retro Styles
Sitcoms knew what was really up with cats. They’re devious as all get out.
He’ll steal your spot. Then, your girlfriend and your home.
They Kill the Competition
When it comes to cats like this guy, don’t get between them and their bear or they’ll cut you when you least expect it.
You Never Know When They’ll Attack

His eyes stare into your soul. Then, without notice, he’ll attack.
They Have No Holiday Spirit
You might think sticking a santa hat on your cat is cute… but he’s already planning his revenge.
They’re Masters of Disguise
They’ll hide in cups and at your favorite fast food joints. When you least expect it, they’ll leap.
They’re Not Amused Easily
Frankly, if you stick your poor cat in this get-up, you deserve to be killed in your sleep by him.
If he’s so willing to attack his buddy, imagine what he’ll do when you’re not paying enough attention to him.

There is nothing that phases this cat. Especially as he’s standing over your corpse.
The Attack
He made his attack…he’ll strike again.
He’s not just trying to assert dominance. He’s gonna starve the other guy out, no matter how long it takes.
The best place to attack the humans is when they’re sitting down. Or at least that’s the case with this cat.
Don’t get too close to this guy. He’ll probably take your hand next time.
This Cat
He’s saying what we’re all thinking.
And This Cat

They don’t care who they hurt.
Cat Fight
The one on the bookshelf will get you when you least expect it. The other will kill you for taking video.
Can’t get enough cat GIFs? We have cat GIFs for every occasion.