Bummed that yet another long week is ahead of you? We’ve got four (typing that made my heart hurt, we love you Zayn Malik!) shining stars that will help you through this rough day, and who are we kidding, probably take you well into the weekend.
So, stop whatever you’re doing, sit back and look at these amazing One Direction GIFs.
1. The “Even Cute in a Christmas Sweater” GIF

Remember that time Niall cradled the dog in the “Night Changes” music video & you started wishing you were a dog too? Dogs don’t have to look for summer jobs, flip burgers or do coffee runs. They just get cuddles from guys in Christmas sweaters.
2. The “High Fiving a Chimpanzee” Awesomeness

And how could we forget Louis kissing the chimpanzee in the behind the scene footage of “Steal My Girl.” A chimp gets to chill on set in the desert with One Direction, and you only get to have lunch at a designated break time? Pft.
3. The “Holy Crap, They’re Topless” GIFs

Topless, and working out.

But work, school, funemployment isn’t so bad because you can always lose track of time staring at hypnotic GIFs of the guys shirtless.
4. The “I’m So Playful in the Bathtub” Look

And start daydreaming that you always get to come home to Niall singing in the bath.
5. The “Hey, I’m So Playful in the Shower!” Look

Or Zayn in the shower.
6. The ” Just Breaking Out Into Dance” Dance

Or to an impromptu dance party. Time for a dance break.
7. The ‘My Best Friend is Gone” Heartbreaker

All this One Direction talk and you started thinking about Zayn, didn’t you? You know no good can come of that. Only tears and Harry Styles crying GIFs. It shows just how deep his emotions run.
8. The ” I’m Shoving My Face Full and You Still Want Me” Look

Yep, that about sums it up.
9. The “I’m In a Freakin’ Banana Suit and I’m Still Hot”

A GIF of Harry in a banana costume from the Where We Are Tour, and you’re back to laughing.
10. The “I’ve Probably Never Been on a Surfboard, But Who Cares” Swag

Your boss may not be too happy about you spending all day surfing the web looking at One Direction…
11. The “Look At How We Don’t Take Ourselves Too Seriously”

But you know the rest of the office secretly listens to their albums. Right? Maybe? Who cares.
12. The “They’re in My Head!”

And let’s face it – you’ll never get these guys out of your head. Who would want to? They’re a way of life.
13. The “Look At My Pretty Smile!”

Yeah, we’re looking.
BONUS: The “Thank You, Butt Dance.”