Summer is in full swing and if you REALLY need to get the most out of the greatest time of the year, a camping trip will guarantee you’ll have the summer of your life. And to have the most amazing camping trip you need these tips, tricks, and hacks to make your expedition one of straight ease and fun! Check them out, and make sure you add your own in the comments at the end of the post!
1. Recycle Some Household Waste Into Pre-Made Fire-Starters

If you’re wondering why it’s important to always empty your dryer’s lint trap it’s because the accumulated lint is very flammable. But you can use that stray lint for your camping trip. Grab those dust bunnies and stuff it into your used up toilet paper rolls to make an amazing pre-made fire starters… and best of all they’re recycled from crud you’d normally toss!
2. Or Use Doritos to Get That Campfire Blazing

The campfire is of paramount importance as it’s the source of your heat, main light, and way of cooking food. So, pack a few giant bags of Doritos for snacking AND as a handy fire-starter. The dry fat laden chips catch aflame easily and are perfect to get a fire going. Don’t focus too long on just how gross that is.
3. Make a Camping Lantern With a Smartphone & a Bottle of Water

Simply place the full bottle of water on your lit smartphone screen and the bottle will glow and refract the light producing a handy campsite lantern with items you already have on you!
4. Duct Tape Everything

Why should you pack duct tape for your trip? Here’s just a few of the many, many, uses: Fix tent holes, keep the flap closed in bad weather, seal and protect wounds and blisters, fix a broken tent pole, make a fly/mosquito trap, and people….that ain’t all! Pack a few rolls for infinite uses!
5. Chase Away Mosquitoes & Bugs With Household Herbs

Throw basil and sage onto your fire to rock the best smelling campsite in the park AND to chase away bugs. The biting nasty hate the aromatic smoke these tasty herbs produce.
6. Open a Beer With Another Beer

The most important part of camping is getting blottoed in the woods under the moonlight. If you forgot your bottle opener, or lost it, or there’s just one and it’s taking forever to get to you as it’s being passed around, use a beer to open another beer. It’s beer Inception!
7. Use an Old Plastic Coffee Can For a TP Dispensor

Transport your toilet paper, keep it dry, and have a handy method of dispensing it by turning a used plastic coffee can into a TP holder.
8. Change EVERYTHING With S’Moreos

Knock your Smores up to the next level by making S’moreos. Place your roasted marshmallows and chocolate pieces between the creme and the wafers of an Oreo for a sugar rush that’ll have you chopping wood, drawing water, and setting up every tent.
9. Cook Everything With JUST Tin Foil

Make amazing meals and cook anything with a tip so simple you’ll want to throw out your home stove and install a fire pit. Just wrap your food up tight in tin foil and throw it on the coals of your campfire. That’s it! Fish it out (not with your hands) after the suggested cooking time and unwrap and you’re set.
10. Get an “Inflatable” Tent & Make Camping a Breeze

An “inflatable” tent uses hollow poles supported by air pressure to make the hardest and most annoying part of camping—setting up the tents—the easiest part of the trip. You stake your tent down and pump, pump, pump, and the tent is up!
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