Caution: adorable nuzzling ahead with these unlikely animal friend GIFs. Can you handle this much squee? These 10 adorable mismatched friends don’t seem to care they aren’t usually considered to be compatible in the animal kingdom. BFFs don’t let that get in the way. We can all learn a lesson from these cute friendships. These animals know that the truth is, cuddling is just really nice.
This Bird Riding This Turtle

Sure, the turtle is doing all the work here, but he benefits from the fact that his buddy is like a built-in defense system of beak and claws. This bird literally has his BFF’s back.
This Dog Feeding This Lamb

This very maternal dog really knows how to take care of her little buddy.
This Dog Casually Surfing On This Dolphin

Awesome! Let’s just all agree that we are jealous of this dog.
And This Cat Loving On This Dolphin

Cuteness overload. The cat is like “No, come back here, I am not done loving you” and the dolphin looks so happy! Gah.
This Cat Cuddling with This Iguana

So, even though the cat looks really into this lizard, it kind of gives us the willies. Lizards don’t seem especially snuggable. Squee factor appreciated though. From afar.
This Tiger Nuzzling With This Bear

These two are so sweet together. Look how snuggly! Wouldn’t want to end up on the wrong end of either of their teeth though.
This Sheep Frollicking With This elephant

These two are like little kids in the playground! Look at them playing together in their sandbox. Adorable.
These Baby Goats Trying to Climb on This Horse

This is less of a friendship and more of a situation of tolerance. The look on the horse’s face tells us that he is resigned to these hijinks. Or given up on life. We prefer to think the former.
This Dog Petting This Cat

The cat looks pissed. But the dog is like “Dum dee dum, me love you too kitteh.”
This Orangutan Hugging This Dog

Look how proud the orangutan looks to be with this dog. The dog looks pretty embarrassed to be seen with him though. I’ve had relationships like that.
Squee factor successfully exceeded. Now go hug your best friend.